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About us

Our aim is to fill the Verkehrsverein Wolfstein e.V. with life, to turn it into an institution that massively promotes social and economic life in Wolfstein and, with its ideas and activities, prevents important local economic structures from continuing to collapse. It must be in everyone’s interest to finally stop this decline in the quality of life and to finally create the turn around to attract more businesses and shops for everyday needs to Wolfstein. It is high time that, together with politicians, we took a much more active stance against the trend towards the progressive decline of culture and the economy in our town and reactivated social activities for the benefit of all.

The Tourist Association plans and coordinates joint overarching activities and events organised by Wolfstein’s associations and ensures a fair distribution of income in line with association participation. The aim is to create a strong, active community for the benefit of the reputation of the town of Wolfstein and for the benefit of our citizens and the member clubs. Money that is spent in Wolfstein must stay in Wolfstein! Therefore, support the concepts of the Tourist Association with your membership!

Communication is an important building block for achieving set goals. ‘Talking to each other instead of about each other’ is the formula for success that we want to apply in order to maintain a lively dialogue with our members. Our newly created information medium, the ‘Wolfsteiner Verkehrsnachrichten’, will inform our members regularly from 2023 (approx. every 8 weeks) about the latest news in our town and about the activities of the Verkehrsverein. So it’s worth being a member of the Verkehrsverein!